Donations & Sponsorship

We receive many requests for donations throughout the year - so many, in fact, that we've had to narrow our focus in the types of organizations and causes we support.

Donations to schools and charitable organizations

We are pleased to contribute to schools and charitable organizations that benefit children, as well as those experiencing extreme poverty and mental health issues in and around the Downtown Eastside. Other organizations may still request support, but priority is given to those two areas. We also require that your organization be based in Metro Vancouver, or at least provide services here.
What we can offer:
  • Games for use by program beneficiaries
  • Games or gift certificates for use in fundraising efforts (auctions, incentives, etc.)
What we need from you:
  • A description of your organization
  • Your charitable tax number
  • What you're looking for
  • A description of how the item(s) will be used
If this sounds like a good fit, please contact Andrea Robertson at [email protected] for next steps.

Schools and charitable organizations we've supported since 2017

Youth Organizations

Aquafit for All Association
BGC (Boys and Girls Club)
Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver
Camp Fircom
Camp Goodtimes - Canadian Cancer Society
Children’s Organ Transplant Society
Coquitlam Public Library
Cystic Fibrosis Canada
Home for Every Child Adoption Society
New West Hyack Ambassador Leadership Program
The Lower Mainland Purpose Society
Pacific Community Resources Society - Pathways to Education
Scouts Canada
Social Diversity for Children Foundation
Vancouver Community College - Dept of American Sign Language and Deaf Studies
West Coast Kids Cancer Foundation

Community Organizations & Fundraisers

Andrea's Adventurers
Battered Women's Support Services
Big Brothers Greater Vancouver
Black Girl Collective
Captain Scott Legacy Society
Connections Community Services Society
Crosstown Neighbourhood Project
Dan's Legacy
Dixon Transition Society
Douglas College - Homeless Outreach Project
Extra Life
Fraser River Discovery Centre
Heart and Soul Dog and Cat Rescue
John Howard Society
Lookout Society
Mind the Bar
Mission Possible
Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
New Westminster Fire and Rescue Services
North Vancouver District Public Library
Outsiders and Others
PLEA Community Services
Project Pulse Vancouver
Rainbow Refugee
Rainbow Roundtable
Roar Cat Reads
Rotary Club of Squamish
Royal City Gogos
Steel & Oak Beer Run
Toss Yer Cabers
Tour de Cure
UBC Wargamers
Vancouver Boardgamers
Vancouver Guardians
West Coast LEAF


Brentwood Preschool
Britannia Secondary Community School
Claren Academy
Connaught Heights Elementary School
Crosstown Elementary
Hastings Elementary School
Herbert Spencer Elementary School
Hume Park Home Learners
Lord Roberts School
Lord Selkirk Elementary School
New West - School District 40
New Westminster Secondary School
Prince of Wales Secondary School
Qayqayt Elementary
Vancouver School Board
Windermere Secondary School


Sponsorship of creative projects and other community events

Because we receive so many requests for sponsorship, we are extremely selective in choosing which podcasts and other creative works we support through advertising and in-kind donations.

Here are some of the things we look for:

  • A Canadian audience or - better yet - a local one
  • An existing connection to our store community
  • Family-friendly content / shared values*
  • Professional-quality production

* We're not total prudes, but your content should not give listeners / viewers the wrong impression about our store's values. Swearing is okay; engaging in misogyny, racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc. is not.


Please be aware that even though you might tick every box, we may still turn down your production based on current budgets and number of projects we're already supporting. You are welcome to apply again in the future!