In-Store D&D - New West - Wayward Adventures

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$16.00 CAD
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2 seats

Product description

Wayward Adventures is a series of one-shot self-contained sessions with an overall story arc.

  • Location: New West
  • Days / Times: 5:00pm - 8:00pm on Saturdays
  • Cost: $16 per session, includes a bonus item
  • Size: 6 players maximum
  • DM: Garrett
  • Prerequisites: No prior D&D experience required! All are welcome.


Wayward Adventures offer an immersive experience in the world of Dungeons & Dragons, with music, maps, miniatures, and bonus prizes for players - something different every week!

Players may join for a single session, the whole series, or something in between. All player experience levels are welcome! If you're new to these games, one-shots are a great way to kick-start your D&D experience and introduce you to the world of roleplaying games (RPGs). These one-shots are standalone adventures, so there's no long-term commitment!

Premade characters will be available for new players. If you want to create your character ahead of time, you can prepare a character with the following the rules below. If you have any questions, you can reach out Garrett on our discord channel.

Character level

Your character starts at level 3

Character stats

Determine your stats using the standard array (PHB p12) with average hit points.

Character options

You may choose any race or class options from official D&D 5e books. 

Starting equipment

You start with the equipment, weapons and armor etc. offered by your background and class. Any gold or magic items earned throughout the session are retained by your character for the next session.