Product description

Wandering One-Shots is a series of self-contained, single-session adventures exploring different roleplaying game systems - with no prior experience required. We provide all the materials; all we need is you!

Please note: These events require a minimum of 4 players to run.


Upcoming games

Reginald’s List of Strange Occurrences: A D&D Playtest - Thursday, August 21 - 6-9pm

An enchanted tree-branch that thinks it’s a wizard, a magical tavern themed to look like a snowy mountaintop, or a trip to the elemental plane of garbage?

You never know what you’ll find on Reginald’s List of Strange Occurrences, a set of mini-adventures from indie publisher Shrimp Cult Press. Come playtest some of them!

This event features light-hearted, narrative- and puzzle-focused tabletop roleplaying fun. Basic understanding of D&D 5e is necessary. Character sheets and minis will be provided.

Hosted by Peter Davoust from Shrimp Cult Press.